Patient Retention

"Since introducing NavaClick, we’ve achieved consistent, predictable results for our patients—even with different injectors. When one injector left, we were better able to match the outcomes her patients loved, thanks to NavaClick’s precision dosing and the detailed treatment plans it supports.”

Paradise MedSpa

Record exact units at specific depths—Dermal (D), Muscular (M), and Superficial (S)—to customize and fine-tune each treatment. With NavaClick, you can ensure easy replication, improved records, and consistent results, building patient trust with predictable outcomes every time. And don’t be surprised when your patients—and their friends—start requesting the syringe that clicks.

3 out of 4 participants reported

Nearly 80% of participants reported they are likely to request NavaClick™ at their next appointment and recommend it to a friend.

NavaClick, Please

Robyn Siperstein reports "I have return patients requesting only to be treated with NavaClick and nothing else. With NavaClick, I am confident I can give comfortable, reproducible results every time."



Click below to hear why professionals like you are more confident than ever...
Precision Dosing

Precision Dosing

Julie Bass Kaplan, FNP-BC 

Eyes-on-the-Patient Delivery

Eyes-on-the-Patient Delivery

Dr. John P. Fezza 

Injector Support

Injector Support

Dr. Kevin Keller 

Needle-Free Dilution

Needle-Free Dilution

Tatiana Sarmiento, NP 

Reduced Touch-Ups

Reduced Touch-Ups

Kyle Farr, DNP, NP-C 

Reduced Waste

Reduced Waste

Nurse Jenna Black, NP 

Patient Retention

Patient Retention

Dr. Rebecca Weiss 

Office Efficiency

Office Efficiency

Dr. Shawn Cabbell, DDS 

Less Pain

Less Pain

Dr. Robyn Siperstein